The Swiss Jura is a mountain range lying northwest of the Swiss Alps. It consists of a series of parallel folds in the strata, forming together a plateau about 300 km long and 30 to 60 km wide. These folded ridges have in many places suffered transverse fractures, which, in the form of steep gorges, add greatly to the picturesque character of the landscape. The general height of the range is from 900 to 1500 m. The Jura Crest Trail is considered the classic among national long-distance trails. Running through two language regions, the 320-km-long trail offers far-ranging views of the Alps, Black Forest and the Vosges. And en route, there are craggy cliffs and deep ravines, springs and lakes, tranquil forests and extensive meadows, encounters with wild life and flora, away from everyday hustle and bustle and mass tourism. From Basel, where I live, it takes about 2 hours to reach the trailheads of several interesting hikes in the Swiss Jura.

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